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Our printable Hanukkah Activity Pack is a fun way for your children to learn more about Hanukkah and maybe stop asking for gelt before dinner!
Printable Hanukkah Activity Pack for Kids
There are many symbols and traditions associated with Hanukkah and children will love remembering them as they have fun with the Hanukkah printables in this Hanukkah activity pack Hanukkah is right around the corner. That means celebrating with family and friends - what a joyous time!
We always enjoy hosting our Hanukkah dinner party for friends and family. It’s an evening filled with so many good times, conversation and –of course– excellent food. Sometimes, it's a long process.
I’m usually in the kitchen preparing recipes like this Easy Hashbrown Latkes with Citrus Applesauce! That's where a printable Hanukkah activity pack for kids comes in handy!
Free Printable Hanukkah Activity Pack for Kids
Our blended-faith family has the joy of celebrating two holidays this time of year: Christmas and Hanukkah. While most of my readers are quite familiar with the story of Christmas, you may not know exactly what is behind the Festival of Lights and all of the delicious foods prepared each year. Speaking of delicious food, here are 8 Challah recipes that you might enjoy during Hanukkah or any time of the year.
Hanukkah (also known as Chanukkah and Festival of Lights) is a Jewish holiday celebrated for eight days and nights. It is the celebration of when the Jews regained control of Jerusalem and rededicated the Temple. There are many symbols and traditions associated with Hanukkah and children will love remembering them as they have fun with the Hanukkah printables in this Hanukkah activity pack (and maybe stop asking for gelt before dinner!)
The Hanukkah activity pack comes with 6 original Hanukkah activity printables. The first two are a Hanukkah wishes list and a Hanukkah word search. This is a great way for the adults to have fun too - helping the smaller ones find all the words. Read on to find out what other treats you'll get with this free download!
Don't Forget Extra Gelt & Dreidels!
Tips To Keep Kids Entertained at Hanukkah Dinner
- Create a Kid Space -- We always have a small table and chairs covered with coloring pages, crayons, puzzles & more.
- Cookie Station -- Let kids decorate pre-baked cookies to be served after dinner.
- Play Waiter -- Give kids a notepad and pencil, letting them walk around the group asking what each guest would like to drink.
- Kid Karaoke -- set up a singing spot in the living room with a Hanukkah music cd and wireless microphone.
- Indoor Scavenger Hunt -- Make a list of both common and holiday items they can find around the house. Award a prize to everyone who finishes.
Also included: a coloring placemat with a spot for each child's name and a Hanukkah memory game.
Our final Hanukkah printable sheet is this cut and paste Menorah. This is a great item to put on the kid's activity table with some safety scissors and glue sticks. You can also add glitter markers for extra sparkle!